Beautiful African color palettes decor ideas to be inspired for your home

Interior design lovers will surely agree with me: Africa is an endless source of inspiration; a beautiful, charming and exotic place where an extremely rich cultural heritage merges with a natural and extraordinary talent for art; a magic huge land where creativity and skills abound, originating an impressive variety of décor items, each one representative of a specific tribal identity, with a unique story and function. 


3  African color palettes decor ideas

#1 How to play with African colours: enchant with earthy tones

In the typical African colours’ palette, warm tones containing a hint of brown predominate: umber, terracotta, burnt yellow and orange, ochre in all of its nuances, burgundy, desert sand. Tones that recall not only the sun and the soil but also natural pigments deriving from local trees and plants. 



#2 African color palette ideas: go for natural and soft nuances 

You can otherwise opt for an overall more sober African look choosing a clear background and incorporating natural soft tones like white, beige, tan and light brown. With the help of a good amount of natural light the result is that of an elegant and deluxe environment. 


#3 How to play with African colours: choose contrasts

Another cool choice is to opt for contrasting tones. You can play with light toned décor items such as baskets, carpets or home linen and match them with a contrasting background dark colour, or vice versa.  The classic and evergreen black and white option (or tan and dark grey) won’t disappoint you. Other original alternatives may surprise you though. An example? Try blue navy or dark teal as background,  the overall result will just mesmerize you!