We reinvest 5% of each purchase in local community and conservation initiatives.
Over the years, we have made a conscious effort to give back to the community we live in and protect the wildlife that surrounds us.
Luangwa Artisan Collective
At the entrance of Krukee, you’ll find the Luangwa Artisan Collective – a space we created where skilled Mfuwe artisans, from weavers to woodsmiths, can create and sell their handcrafted products. Artisans receive 100% of the the proceeds from their sales.
We are excited to uncover and celebrate the wealth of creative micro-entrepreneurs in Mfuwe. To help provide sustainable income for makers and their families, we train each artisan in product development, design, merchandising, accounting, and pricing. We also give them access to local and international wholesale markets that would otherwise be inaccessible. We sell some of their products on our online shop.
Through this program, we have become the Luangwa region’s primary handicraft destination and one of Zambia’s Centres of Craft Excellence and Innovation.
Malimba School
We believe that education is crucial in a rural community like ours. Malimba Basic School is our local primary school and the school that most of our staff’s children attend.
Malimba is partly funded by the government with the rest of its funding coming from a number of organizations, including VSIP, Make Me Smile and Krukee. Our contributions range from supplementing teacher’s pay to providing classroom materials to funding participation in local sports and arts festivals. We also help with building projects to improve the school’s facilities.
We are incredibly proud that Malimba is currently ranked second in the district, educating over 500 children.
Hanada Orphanage
Zambia has a high HIV rate. When parents pass away from complications of HIV/AIDS, family members usually take care of the children left behind, but sometimes there is no family. With little support, a local community member started Hanada to provide these children with shelter.
We send Hanada Orphanage a weekly delivery of eggs, fresh fruits, and vegetables. We also send a sack of maize each month, ensuring that the children have a healthy and balanced diet.
Chipembele Wildlife Education Trust
Chipembele Wildlife Education Trust is an award-winning organization dedicated to teaching children in our community about the local wildlife and importance of environmental conservation.
The organization runs outreach conservation clubs at 17 local schools, as well as the inspirational Chipembele Wildlife Education Center. Chipembele also runs a wildlife rehabilitation facility, where sick and injured animals are cared for before being released back into the wild.
We believe in the power of knowledge. Chipembele does a fantastic job with local schools on conservation education, inspiring local children to discover the beauty and importance of their surroundings.

Zambian Carnivore Programme (ZCP)
We operate on the doorstep of one of the most amazing national parks in the world. South Luangwa National Park is a great stronghold in Africa for wild dogs, lions, and leopards.
The Zambian Carnivore Programme carries out vital research into some of Africa’s most endangered species. ZCP also works to protect carnivores in Zambian national parks.
Since its creation, ZCP has helped remove snares from 26 lions, who have gone on to produce 131 cubs between them. ZCP also sponsors and mentors Zambian graduate students, training the next generation of Zambian conservationists.
Conservation South Luangwa (CSL)
We live in a fantastic natural environment and want to preserve it. Conservation South Luangwa is a team of highly-trained wildlife conservationists.
Together with the Zambian National Parks department, CSL does vital work in combating illegal poaching, wildlife trafficking, and human/wildlife conflict.
CSL’s commitment to protecting the thriving wildlife of South Luangwa, makes the national park one of Africa’s most fantastic safari regions.

Birdwatch Zambia
Zambia has 42 internationally recognized Important Bird Areas that Birdwatch Zambia safeguards by working with local schools and communities.
Dedicated to protecting and studying Zambia’s incredible birdlife, the society is run by volunteers who record vital information on bird distributions.
Birdwatch Zambia also supports the country’s biodiversity through bird-friendly rural initiatives such as beekeeping and fish farming.